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Beijing meeting of "Rare Disease AI Diagnosis and Treatment Committee" of Healthy China-Smart Medicine Innovation Alliance

Release date:2024-07-11 Information source:Smart Medicine Innovation Alliance

On July 9, 2024, theBeijing meeting of the "Rare Disease AI Diagnosis and TreatmentCommittee" (hereinafter referred to as the AI Committee) under SMIA was held in the Beijing conference room of the Cord Rare Disease Center.Attending the meeting were members of the SMIA Board of Directors, the AICommittee, the Cord Rare Disease Center, Jatberlin, and the SMIA Secretariat.

The meeting began with introductions of their respectiveorganizations and collaboration needs by the rotating Chairman of the AICommittee, Paul Li; Director of the Cord Rare Disease Center, Huang Rufang;rotating Chairman of the SMIA Board, Lucky Geng; and Vice President ofCommercial Operations and General Manager of Greater China at Jatberlin, ChenHaochang.

Subsequently, Mr. Lucky Geng, on behalf of the SMIA Board,presented Mr. Huang Rufang with a SMIA Vice Chairman unit bronze plaqueand a Vice Chairman appointment letter. Mr. Paul Li and Mr. Huang Rufang,on behalf of the AI Committee and SMIA Board respectively, presented Mr.Chen Haochang with an AI Committee Executive Chairman appointment letter and aSMIA member unit appointment letter.

As a biotechnologycompany focused on providing innovative therapies for patients with rare andsevere diseases, Jatberlin has been committed to working with various partnersto continuously support the development of China's healthcare industry through innovativedrug research and development, market access, disease education, and publicwelfare activities. Leveraging the results brought by big data and AItechnology and through digitalization efforts, Jatberlin strives to enhance itsability to serve patients and customers, which is a key strategic measure insupporting the construction of the rare disease diagnosis and treatment system.By joining the establishment of the Rare Disease AI Diagnosis and TreatmentCommittee, Jatberlin will leverage its unique advantages in the rare diseaseand digitalization fields to provide greater support for the development of therare disease cause in China.

During the workshopsession, the representatives discussed the value, goals, and positioning of theAI Committee and confirmed the division of tasks and action plans among theparties, as follows:

1. Promote raredisease charity cycling activities

2. Advance theimplementation of the rare disease AI diagnosis and treatment projects intarget hospitals

3. Promote theTianzhu Free Trade Zone rare disease drug supply chain supervision platform

4. Facilitate theestablishment of the Greater Bay Area Pharmaceutical Services InnovationPromotion Center

Finally, Chairman Lucky Geng summarized the meeting.

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